I think that it will be very interesting for every living person in Russia to listen to the history of the Russian bath. After all, we go to it, but do not know where this tradition came from, who brought it to us. In this article, we will try to tell you about this.

The Russian bath originated from very old times. Yet, Herodotus himself narrated that the Scythians, who lived in Ukraine, used the bath. They installed three sticks inclined to each other, and enveloped this "construction" with felt. Then, they installed a vat in the middle of the "room" and threw glowing stones into it. Having climbed into this bath, they threw cannabis seeds into the tub, from which a high fever rose.

For all the people, the bath was considered a special place, sacred. The proverb that after washing in a bath as if it was anew born, originates from ancient - old times. Below we will consider which peoples and countries began to introduce a bath into their culture.

Individual tribes of America use the "ancient" bathhouse to this day. That is, a cone-shaped hut was built, in the middle of which a small depression was excavated. In this pit, they put hot stones on the fire and splashed water on them. Now this method is used by tourists, forwarders, geologists and others.

Procopius of Caesarea, a historian who lived in the 5th century AD, wrote that the bath was an integral part of the life of the ancient Slavs. In the baths they celebrated all the festivities, washed the child, that only was born, and in the same way saw off the deceased person to another world. At that time, the bathhouse was "built" approximately like this: in the corner (in the house) a stone hearth was built, and where a milestone was opened for a smoke exit, there was also a water tank, which was sprayed with red-hot stones. Each person took a broom in his hand and waving them around attracted heat to himself. Thus, people cleaned their body and soul. Bath is a collection of four elements (as the ancestors believed) - fire, water, land and air. The man who got soaked in the bath became stronger and healthier. There was even an opinion, that if the patient was not cured after the bath, then nothing will help him. In the East Slavic myths it is mentioned that the Baths were used by the Gods themselves.

In Russia, a steam bath in the 5th century was called soap or wet. Already at that time people enjoyed this grace. Regardless of whether a person is rich or poor, he could afford to be cleansed in a bath. Bath was a comfort from problems, evil eye and tribulations. A little later, to invite a person to a bath became the basis of hospitality. To begin with, the guest was called "cleaned up" and only then treated to drinks and food.

For the first time a bath could be read in the descriptions of the brilliant man of the monk Nestor the Chronicler. His "Tale of Bygone Years" says that the bath was first mentioned in the 1st century AD. This happened when the Holy Apostle Andrew, after preaching the gospel doctrine in Kiev, went to Novgorod, his eyes appeared "a real miracle." People went into the baths naked and "heated up" there until the color of boiled crayfish, then they poured themselves water and, until exhaustion, beat each other with brooms. This rite took place daily. For the Holy Apostle Andrew it was savagery, he commented this way: "people joyfully torture themselves." Also, based on the description of Nestor, you can find out that in 906 between Russia and Byzantium was concluded an agreement, the speech in which was ... about the bath. It was stated there that, upon the arrival of the Byzantine merchants, they should be drunk, fed and allowed to soar in the bathhouse, as many would like. There is an interesting fact that occurred in 945. After the death of Prince Igor, Princess Olga three times took revenge on the Drevlyans, and when the Drevlyanian ambassadors arrived to negotiate with the princess, she ordered to melt the bath for them. Unsuspecting ambassadors calmly washed themselves off the road, when Olga's servants closed them outside and they burned alive.

The first baths were built exclusively from logs, but in 1090 a brick bath was built in Pereslavl.

At that time, visitors from other countries (Germans, French) tried on their own skin what a Russian bath started to build the same in their own countries. But these baths were very different from real Russians. Few travelers could withstand such a high temperature (in some baths it could reach up to 100 degrees), and they could not imagine how Russian people take such hot air masses. Smart foreign doctors knew that it was very useful in steam baths, as a diaphoretic for the body, but since Russians are soaring not only that is not useful, but even dangerous. They argued that the brain and muscle takni from this relax and function worse, and for the female skin and youth was extremely detrimental. But even foreigners knew that Russians have such a day - "bathhouse", it was a Saturday day, which was taken to steam.

Those who did not have a bath could be soared right in the oven. They cleaned out the floor cleanly, spread it with straw, and as the foreigners talked about it, "they soared that the spirit flew out of them." But nevertheless, these methods are used to this day, although rarely.

At that time, using the healing techniques of Hippocrates, Russian healers (after learning about the benefits of the bath) began to help the people's churches. In the Charter of the Prince Krasnoe Solnyshko (as the people called Vladimir) there were baths for the "non-able". These were the first in Russia, a kind of clinic. At the beginning of the 12th century, the granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh resided in Russia, the well-known healer and healer Eupraxia. She, it is possible to tell, preached visiting a bath. Already at the age of 15 she was assigned to the tsaregrad prince and moved to live with him. Quickly studying the Greek language, Eupraxia read ancient recipes of mighty healers - Hippocrates, Asclepiade and Galen. Becoming, with time, a healer, thanks to a large number of studied recipes, she preached personal hygiene. About the baths Eupraxia said that they strengthen the body and spirit of man.

The history of the Russian bath connects with itself many interesting events, which, as a story, it would not hurt to know to contemporaries.

Regardless of who it was a king or commoner, but the custom of "wandering" at that time should have been respected by everyone. After spending the night together, people must necessarily go to the bathhouse in the morning, and then bow out before the images. Pious people were afraid to go to church even a few days after spending the night together. Such people succumbed to mocking and joking (it's rather strange when a few people stand in front of the church, but do not go inside). Until the beginning of the 18th century, only everyone passed the next rite. Before the wedding, the groom must necessarily have gotten into a bath, and after the night the couple went there together. Mother of the bride, on the eve of the wedding, baked bread, which was called "bannik", thus, blessing the young people for a happy life. This bread, two fried birds (most often chicken) and two table sets, she wrapped in a tablecloth, sewed and gave to the matchmaker. This was done in order that after the release of the young from the bath the matchmaker would treat them to this blessed dinner. People firmly believed that the bath would wash away all their sins.

The bath was in the house of every rich and rich man, as for the very poor, then there were common baths for them.

Bath - this was the place, without which, no Russian person imagined himself. She gave calmness, pleasure, relaxation, treated illnesses, rejuvenated the soul. It was a rite, which could not be denied. Before entering the bathhouse, a person was given a radish, and in case of thirst in the waiting room there was always a cool kvass. A very important role was played by mint and other fragrant herbs. Mint was put in kvass, benches were covered with mint, dominion and other fragrant herbs. Brooms used mainly birch.

After the Russian bath became inherent in virtually any country, different nations made their corrections to it. For example, Islam compared purification in a bath to religious thoughts, exclusively so.

Now, reliably no one can tell where the Russian bath originated. Some say Spartans imported, others think that the Arabs, but it is likely that the Russian bath was invented by the Slavs. Why not? This assumption confirms several interesting points. Since the Russians were bathing in the baths, no one else washed, that is, the ancestors had their own "style" in this matter. The fact that foreigners praised Russian property and that only after contemplating it in Russia began to build the same in themselves. Who knows, maybe the forefathers of the Slavs and the truth are the initiators of this beautiful rite.

In general, the bath could be built by any person who has land for this. And in the middle of the 17th century there was even issued a decree on how far from the apartment house a bathhouse should be built. It was done, purely for safety. In the home baths, both women and men washed together, without any embarrassment, but the common were divided into male and female halves. And only since 1734 the ban on the entry of men into the women's, and women in the men's bath.

In 1733, a permit was issued for the construction of medical baths. They were forbidden to keep liquor. As a rule, such baths were built from logs. The art of construction was passed on from generation to generation, while people did not use any drawings or graphics. It is very important and scrupulous ancestors approached the question of where to place the building. This was no less important than establishing a place for the construction of the church. In the Russian bath there were no rooms with different temperatures, as in Roman threshing, but they had a room with different lavas in height, that is, the higher, the hotter.

At the time of Peter I in Petersburg lived a camera-junker Berholts, who in his notes on Russia described the entire charm of the Russian bath and the degree of service in them. Russian women knew how to properly make the right temperature, how much "to leave" a broom, and at what point to roll with cold water.

Peter I lived then the life of a simple carpenter, and he and the rest of the Russian people had a bathhouse, without which he could not imagine life. It was he who, as a result, became the first organizer of medical resorts in Russia, built on the basis of a bath. Having visited many foreign resorts - hydropathic institutions Peter I ordered to find these healing waters in Russia. Thus, for the first time, "Martial Waters" were discovered. The name is they suffered because the water was glandular, and therefore named in honor of the god of war - Mars. Peter I contributed to the fact that Russian baths became more common in Western Europe. He ordered to build in Paris and Amsterdam baths for his soldiers. And after the battle with Napoleon, the baths were built in all the liberated countries.

Russian bath - its history is still interesting, and it begins to change slightly with the coming to power of Peter I. At that time, "fashion" and declension to the ancient culture begins. They began to build buildings by the type of Roman houses. A copy of the Roman thistles was built in the premises of the Great Palace in Tsarskoe Selo.

As you can learn from sources Russian baths loved to visit many famous personalities. Suvorov arranged for his soldiers "washing" in whatever city they were (the main thing that there was a Russian bath). The general himself sustained a very high fever, after which he assumed about 10 buckets of cold water. Often came Denis Davydov, as well as the singer and actress Sandun. Important is that after the arrival of the singer in her honor called the kind of bath "sandunovskie baths." They differed from the rest with a buffet and lots of drinks, down to champagne.

For the period 1874 in the very St. Petersburg alone there were about 312 baths. All of them were supplied with Neva water. These baths were divided into "shopping" and "numbered". Visiting the trade bath cost from 50 kopecks to 10 rubles, which was quite expensive, and not everyone could afford it. In "numbered" saunas, prices were more moderate, that is, made for poor people. They were divided into 3 classes: 1 class - 15-40 kopecks, 2 class - 8-15 kopecks, 3 class - 3-5 kopecks, which was, in general, it is accessible to everyone.

In order to make the process most enjoyable for the "soul and body" the Russians furnished the room with various attributes. But still, each family bath differed from each other with its design, temperature regime and approach to the treatment of diseases.

Video about the construction of the Russian bath:


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