100 interesting facts about Russia

The interesting facts about Russia, its history and the present, the nature and people, relationship with the world around and just amusing funny things. Some of these facts are well-known, but all the same it is a pleasure to remember them once again. And from this list many, perhaps, learn some interesting facts about Russia for the first time. The interesting fact about Russia No. 1 Russia – the biggest country of the world, its area is 17 075 400 square kilometers. It more USA by 1,8 times. The area of Russia is approximately equal to planet Pluto surface area. The interesting fact about Russia No. 2 of V of Russia is the biggest in the world an active volcano – Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Its height is 4 kilometers 850 meters. He throws out ashes columns on eight kilometers up. With each eruption it becomes higher. The volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka for the last 7 thousand years is thrown up. The interesting fact about Russia No. 3 the Subway of St. Petersburg – the deepest in the world. Its average depth – 100 meters. The interesting fact about Russia No. 4 the V St. Petersburg of bridges is three times more, than in Venice. By the number of channels and bridges more pertinent not to call St. Petersburg Northern Venice, and Venice – the Southern St. Petersburg. The interesting fact about Russia No. 5 is considered the oldest Christian temple in the territory of Russia the ancient temple of Tkhaba-Erda located in Ingushetia in Dzheyrakhsky district, between the auls of Hayrakh and Puy. It was constructed the 8-9th centuries. Three the oldest of current temples are in the settlement of Nizhny Novgorod Arkhyz in Karachay-Cherkessia. They were constructed in the 10th century. The interesting fact about Russia No. 6 the Trans-Siberian railway line – the longest railroad in the world. The great Siberian Way connecting Moscow to Vladivostok in length has 9298 kilometers, crosses 8 time zones, passes through 87 cities and settlements and crosses 16 rivers, including Volga. The interesting fact about Russia No. 7 the Siberian Lake Baikal — the deepest lake in the world and the largest source of fresh water on the planet. In Baikal 23 cubic kilometers of water. All largest rivers of the world – Volga, Don, Dnieper, Yenisei, Ural, Ob, Ganges, Orinoco, Amazon, the Thames, Seine and Oder – have to flow nearly a year to fill the pool equal on volume to Lake Baikal. The interesting fact about Russia No. 8 Russia – the only state which territory is washed by twelve seas. The interesting fact about Russia No. 9 Russia is separated from America by 4 kilometers. This distance between Big Diomede Island (Russia) and Krusenstern's (USA) island in the Bering Strait. The interesting fact about Russia No. 10 From Moscow is up to One Chicago closer, than from Chicago to Rio de Janeiro. The interesting fact about Russia No. 11 of V to the cultural capital of Russia St. Petersburg of 2000 libraries, 221 museums, 100 concert organizations, is more than 80 theaters, 80 clubs and recreation centers, 62 movie theaters, 45 art galleries. The interesting fact about Russia No. 12 the Urals — the oldest mountains in the world. The mountain located in Kusinsky district at the village of Aleksandrovka the Pencil arose 4, 2 billion years ago. Historical names of the Ural Mountains – the Big Stone, the Siberian Stone, the Terrestrial Belt, the Zone Stone. Once Ural Mountains were very high, but now from former mountains there were only bases. The interesting fact about Russia No. 13 of V to Moscow is 7 absolutely identical high-rise buildings: 2 hotels, 2 office buildings, 2 houses and university. In English this ensemble is called by Seven Sisters, and in Russian just Stalin skyscrapers. Style in which skyscrapers are constructed is called a Stalin gothic style. The interesting fact about Russia No. 14 the Moscow Kremlin – the biggest in the world medieval fortress. The interesting fact about Russia No. 15 the Full length of the Kremlin walls makes 2235 meters. The interesting fact about Russia No. 16 of V to Moscow is the big fountain from which drinking water beats. The fountain enters into the architectural group "Alexander and Natali" with Pushkin and Goncharova's sculptural composition in a graceful rotunda. The interesting fact about Russia No. 17 St. Petersburg — the most northern city in the world with the population more than one million people. The interesting fact about Russia No. 18 the Area of Siberia — 9 million 734,3 thousand square kilometers that makes 9% of the terrestrial land. The interesting fact about Russia No. 19 U of Russia is borders with 16 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and USA. Russia also borders on two unrecognized states: South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The interesting fact about Russia No. 20 of V the world is more than Kalashnikovs, than automatic machines of all other designs, combined. The interesting fact about Russia No. 21 Russia proclaimed the equal rights of men and women earlier, than the USA. In Russia the suffrage women were granted in the 1918th year, in the United States – in the 1920th. The interesting fact Russia never knew slavery about Russia No. 22. The period of the most fully expressed form of feudal dependence, serfdom, in Russia was shorter, than, for example, in England and the majority of the countries of Europe. Serfdom in Russia had softer forms. Russia cancelled serfdom in 1861, the USA cancelled slavery in 1865. The interesting fact about Russia No. 23 16 of January, 1820 Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev's Russian expedition found Antarctica. The interesting fact about Russia No. 24 the Most known computer game – Tetris – was created by the Russian programmer Alexey Pazhitnov in 1985. This game became popular in the Soviet Union, and then, in the 1986th year, in the West. The interesting fact about Russia No. 25 Ivan the Terrible was not a tyrant, he governed unprecedentedly for the time softly. At the size of Europe, identical at that moment, and Russia Grozny during the reign executed 100 times less people, than his European colleagues for the same period – 3-4 thousand people against 300-400 thousand people. The interesting fact about Russia No. 26 Ivan the Terrible heats a dog, having learned a weather forecast for the next three days Ivan the Terrible did not kill the son. The interesting fact about Russia No. 27 Trains in the Moscow subway go more often than in any other subway of the world. In rush hours the interval between structures in it makes 90 seconds. Among them there are "personalized" trains as, for example, the train "Water color" representing a mobile exhibition of painting. The interesting fact about Russia No. 28 V Peterhof near St. Petersburg 176 fountains, from which 40 huge, and 5 cascades. The interesting fact about Russia No. 29 the Samovar – the ancient version of the electric kettle. The samovar burned coal, but performed the same function, boiled water. The interesting fact about Russia No. 30 the V the Russian city of Oimyakon is registered the lowest air temperature. The record of cold was set in 1924 and made –71.2 °C. The interesting fact about Russia No. 31 the Soviet astronaut Yury Gagarin was the first person who visited space. The interesting fact about Russia No. 32 during World War II of the metro station were used in as air-raid shelters. During air raids in this absolutely safe shelter 150 people were born. The interesting fact about Russia No. 33 V of Russia a set of fine excursion and tourist routes. The most known so-called "families of tourist routes" – the Golden Ring of Russia, the Silver ring of Russia and the Big Ural ring. The interesting fact about Russia No. 34 the Full length of 12 lines of the Moscow subway – 310 km. Between 182 stations in it nearly 10000 trains ply. The average duration of a trip of the passenger makes 13 kilometers. The interesting fact about Russia No. 35 of V the 18th century Russia was the empire, the 3rd in size, in the history of mankind, occupying the territory from the European Poland to North American Alaska. The interesting fact about Russia No. 36 the West Siberian Plain — the biggest plain on Earth. The interesting fact about Russia No. 37 the Hermitage – one of the largest and ancient world museums. In it three million works of art from the Stone Age to the present. If to give to each of these works one minute, then it will be required to go more than 25 years to the Hermitage as for work, and to examine exhibits for 8 hours a day to see them all. The interesting fact about Russia No. 38 Russia occupies the seventh part of the terrestrial land. The interesting fact about Russia No. 39 Some time ago in Moscow there were more billionaires, than in any other city of the world. Now billionaires in Moscow became less, but increased clarities in a question how to spend one billion. The interesting fact about Russia No. 40 the Russian Public library – the largest in Europe and the second in the world after Library of the Congress of the USA. It is located in Moscow, founded in 1862. The interesting fact about Russia No. 41 the V the opening day in Moscow of 700-seater restaurant McDonalds by 5 in the morning before it stood turn in 5000 people on Pushkin Square. For the first day the restaurant served 3000 clients. To this day it remains the most visited McDonald's in the world. The interesting fact about Russia No. 42 250-300 swans and 1,5-2 thousand wild ducks annually arrive on the Swan lake in Altai Krai. They arrive in the fall, to winter. The interesting fact about Russia No. 43 In Altai is more than 820 glaciers which are totally occupying the territory in 600 square kilometers. The interesting fact about Russia No. 44 of V of Russia appeared new sport – helicopter golf. Two helicopters equipped with 4-meter clubs play two spheres diameter meter. In each team on five people. One pilots the helicopter, the second kicks the ball, the third coordinates actions of the first two, two more in a reserve. They substitute the one who with a club when he exhausts. The interesting fact about Russia No. 45 Russia regularly wins first place in various ratings of the least friendly countries of the world, however it just the misunderstanding connected with distinction of cultural codes. In Russia at schools of children learn not to smile without the reason, including a smile a sign of thoughtless mood. Actually Russians are benevolent and are always ready to help the foreigner. The interesting fact about Russia No. 46 of V according to the rating of UNESCO Yekaterinburg was included the 2002nd year into the list of 12 ideal cities of the world. The interesting fact about Russia No. 47 the biggest ever the cast bell – the Russian Tsar Bell of work of masters of Ivan Fyodorovich Motorin and his son Mikhail. The weight of the Tsar Bell is 12327 poods and 19 pounds, that is 201 tons 924 kilograms. Its height – 6 meters 14 centimeters. The interesting fact about Russia No. 48 the City of Suzdal occupies only 15 square kilometers spare and has a little more than 10000 people of the population. At the same time in Suzdal 53 temples. The interesting fact about Russia No. 49 the Russian Federation consists of 8 federal districts which are divided into 83 regions - the territorial subject of the federation, including 21 national republics. The republics, each of which is assigned by the constitution to title ethnos, occupy 28,6% of the territory of Russia, 16,9% of the population live in them. About 83% of the population of Russia are made by ethnic Russians, however in the Constitution of the Russian Federation there is no mention of the Russian people. This legal incident represents one of urgent internal political problems of the Russian Federation and sooner or later will be settled. The interesting fact about Russia No. 50 the Myth about the myth: Russians think that Americans think that bears walk the streets in Moscow. Actually and bears not so often go on the Russian cities, and Americans have no stereotype about wild Russia. The interesting fact about Russia No. 51 the Japanese dish of sushi is more popular in Russia, than in Japan. The interesting fact about Russia No. 52 Scientists of Russia invented an electric bulb, the TV, an electronic microscope, the helicopter, the bomber, the videorecorder, the catarpillar, the color photo, model of artificial heart, the petrol engine, the grain-harvesting car, the automatic machine, electric welding, synthetic rubber, a coal gas mask, aerobatics, radio, a turbo-drill, a searchlight, automatic telephone exchange, the Periodic Table, the electric submarine, the heat engine, synthetic detergents, the coal combine, the cardiopulmonary bypass, a mortar, the electric motor, a rantsevy parachute and still a set of useful things. The interesting fact about Russia No. 53 the V of Russia laid the foundation of the theory of higher nervous activity, the theory of aerodynamics, a method of surgical treatment of glaucoma, geochemistry of isotopes, evolutionary physiology, a crystallography, evolutionary embryology, chemistry of elementoorganichesky connections, seismology, a galvanoplasty and many other scientific disciplines. The interesting fact about Russia No. 54 V the Novosibirsk Institute of cytology and genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science over the last 50 years brought domestic foxes, tender, friendly and devoted as dogs, and independent as cats. The interesting fact about Russia No. 55 the Novosibirsk Institute of cytology and genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science costs V a monument to a laboratory mouse, DNA with inspiration knitting. The interesting fact about Russia No. 56 V of Russia of at least 15 confidential cities. They are not on cards, to them do not conduct road signs and to them even close will not admit foreigners. The interesting fact about Russia No. 57 the Skyscraper of MSU – the biggest university building in the world. The interesting fact about Russia No. 58 In the thirties in the river the Silent Pine near Belgorod the Russian fishermen caught a sturgeon in whom there were 245 kilograms of black caviar. The interesting fact about Russia No. 59 V within the space Venus program on this planet landed 1975-1982 six automatic interplanetary spacecrafts. At temperatures up to 457 ᵒ Celsius they normally worked, transferred color images of Venus to Earth, made the analysis of soil and so on. The interesting fact about Russia No. 60 V 1980 of Naval Forces of Sweden zapelengovat the waters reaching from thickness strange sounds which source they announced the Soviet submarines. When the diplomatic conflict between the USSR and Sweden was already ready to break out, scientists found out that sounds are made by the breaking wind fishes. For this opening scientists were conferred the parody Ig Nobel Prize. The interesting fact about Russia No. 61 Giving – especially Russian phenomenon, in many European languages it and is called – dacha. Dachas appeared during Peter I who gave to citizens country sites that those, without hesitating, experimented in architecture. Given by the tsar and was called – giving. The interesting fact about Russia No. 62 the Russian emperor Nicholas II for the first time offered the world the idea of general disarmament. He made such proposal at the conference of heads of states of Europe on arms limitation convened by it in the Hague in 1898. He urged to use forces and the capital wasted to excessive arms on education and development of welfare of the people. Europe admired generosity of the Russian Sovereign, but apprehended the idea very frostily. The interesting fact about Russia No. 63 Before revolution of 1917 the Russian family was one of the world's largest. In Russia was considered that 8 children in a family – it are regrettable a little. It was normal to have 12-14 children. The interesting fact about Russia No. 64 Each monarch of a dynasty of Romanov left to the successor the country of the bigger size, than received from the father. The interesting fact about Russia No. 65 At Ivan the Terrible in Russia the content of alcohol in various intoxicated drinks made from 1 to 6%. Wine, on the Greek custom, was diluted with water. Saw on holidays not more often than two times a month. The interesting fact about Russia No. 66 the Russian astronaut Sergey Krikalyov set a record of stay in space – 803 days. Besides, this many-sided person – the world champion in pilotage on gliders, the candidate for the Master of Sports in all-round and the founder of a genre of the space photo. The interesting fact about Russia No. 67 anyone could buy V of imperial Russia up to 1917 the revolver in a bench as freely as loaf of bread. The interesting fact about Russia No. 68 the Landscape gardening zone in Moscow is much more, than in the western megalopolises. The Izmaylovsky park put in 1931 – one of the largest city parks in the world. Its area of 15,34 square kilometers, it is six times more than the Central park of New York. The interesting fact about Russia No. 69 the Largest European botanical garden – the Main botanical garden founded in 1945 of N. W. Zizina RAHN. The interesting fact about Russia No. 70 of V to the delta of Volga near Astrakhan is the Valley of lotuses. The interesting fact about Russia No. 71 according to sociological the centerand Levada.ru, 28% of Russians never drink alcoholic beverages, 26% drink less often than once a month, 16% — once a month, 14% 2-4 times a month, 9% of times a week, 6% several times a week. The interesting fact about Russia No. 72 the highest European building – Ostankino Television Tower in Moscow. The interesting fact about Russia No. 73 Polovina of Chelyabinsk is located in the Urals, a half – in Siberia. At the same time on the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk the camel is represented. It would seem why the camel, in Chelyabinsk is not present camels? Now not, and were 200 years ago. Chelyabinsk often accepted trade caravans from the loaded camels. The interesting fact about Russia No. 74 V of Russia more than 100 resorts. The main national resorts – the Crimea, Sochi, group of resorts Caucasus Mineralnye Vody region, Nalchik, Anapa, Sergiyevsky Mineralnye Vody and Belokurikha. The interesting fact about Russia No. 75 Three quarters of Russians live in the cities. The five of the largest cities of Russia – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. The interesting fact about Russia No. 76 U of Russia the largest reserves of natural gas, peat, the wood, salt, drinking water, crabs, a sturgeon, tin, zinc, the titan, niobium, nickel, iron ores, diamonds, silver. The interesting fact about Russia No. 77 Russia wins first place in the world on oil and gas production, steel export, primary aluminum, nitrogen fertilizers. The interesting fact about Russia No. 78 V of Russia 103 reserves, 43 huge national parks and 70 wildlife areas. The total area of especially protected natural territories of Russia – nearly 600 thousand square kilometers that makes 4% of all area of the country. The interesting fact about Russia No. 79 of V of Russia chess is more popular than soccer. The interesting fact about Russia No. 80 V St. Petersburg the biggest in the world tram network. Its extent is 690 kilometers. The interesting fact about Russia No. 81 the biggest wood in the world – the Siberian taiga. The interesting fact about Russia No. 82 by results of national poll Lake Baikal, Valley of Geysers, Mamayev Kurgan with a statue of the Motherland, the city of Peterhof, St. Basil's Cathedral, aeration columns in Komi and Mount Elbrus are recognized as seven miracles of Russia. The interesting fact about Russia No. 83 From the point of view of international law Russia and Japan are at war since World War II. Because of a dispute on the Kuril Islands they still did not sign the peace treaty. Nevertheless, Russia and Japan live in peace. V May of the 1990th year the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda established the interesting fact about Russia No. 84 absolute and now, probably, an eternal record of circulation of the paper newspaper in 22 million copies. Russian dolls the handyman Vasily Zvyozdochkin thought up the interesting fact about Russia No. 85 in the 1900th to year. The same year cunning merchants showed it at the World Fair in Paris as an Old Russian toy and got a bronze medal in the nomination "toys". V the 2005th year the cheerful Ulyanovsk governor Sergey Morozov announced the interesting fact Russia No. 86 on September 12 in the Afternoon of conception and in the day off. Citizens did not pump up, success of an initiative surpassed all expectations: in June of the 2006th year birth rate in Ulyanovsk jumped up three times. The interesting fact about Russia No. 87 the State museum Hermitage for protection against rodents holds pack of cats. Each cat of the Hermitage has a passport with the photo. The interesting fact about Russia No. 88 of V of Russia, near Magnitogorsk, is the mountain Magnetic, almost completely iron. The interesting fact about Russia No. 89 the Soviet agent Georges Koval found a way to get acquainted in details with all secrets of the joint program of the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Canada on development of nuclear weapon "Manhattan Project". The interesting fact about Russia No. 90 of V to Moscow is stray dogs who go to the subway daily along the same route. They know where and when it is possible to eat well. The interesting fact about Russia No. 91 the Territory of the Tambov region is equal to cumulative territories of Belgium and the Netherlands. The interesting fact about Russia No. 92 the Oldest city of Russia, the Dagestan Derbent – one of the oldest recent cities of the world. The interesting fact about Russia No. 93 V to the Cossack village Zimoveyskaya with a difference in hundred ten years were born Stepan Razin and Yemelyan Pugachyov. After the pugachyovsky revolt the village was moved out of harm's way to the new place, and at Stalin filled in with waters of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir at all. The interesting fact about Russia No. 94 Russia has the lowest in the world a public debt in relation to GDP. The interesting fact about Russia No. 95 U of Russia the second place after China by the number of soldiers. The interesting fact about Russia No. 96 V of Russia the highest coverage of the population in the world school education. The interesting fact about Russia No. 97 On piracy use of the software Russia takes the modest 37th place, being between Lebanon and Peru. The world leader in this case – brotherly Armenia. The interesting fact about Russia No. 98 U of Russia the biggest volume of renewable water resources in the world, 4498 cubic kilometers. The interesting fact about Russia No. 99 Metal of a framework of the Statue of Liberty is melted in Nizhny Tagil. The interesting fact about Russia No. 100 Russia – the spiritual and cultural successor of the Roman Empire. The two-headed eagle on its coat of arms symbolizes the Byzantine idea of "the symphony of the authorities", harmonious complementarity of the state and Church. The word "tsar" came from the word "tsezar".


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